Friday, February 19, 2010
Brag vs Gossip
Men Love to Brag and Women love to Gossip !!!!
Hello friends,
I have observed this in the recent few years that Men are prone to bragging and Women to Gossiping.Both do perform the activities that the other gender excels in,but,they specialize in their own Passion first.
Both,gossiping and bragging becomes unavoidable at a certain stage in your life.You do find yourself amidst all the Chaos, clueless about what do do?At such times,people do resort to Gossiping or Bragging.
"Gossiping is just the 'masaledaar' version of Local news".We fail to understand the necessity&plight of these unemployed Housewives who need entertainment even after their series of Drama on T.v which runs for about 3-4 hours.The pleasure they must be experiencing 'bitching' about their Relatives or Neighbours is not expressable. The joy of creating Misunderstandings and Plotting a Successful Fight makes you smell 'Victory'.
Jokes apart,we can't help it, or stop it.But, it does create a lot of Cold War which restricts peaceful relationships.
Bragging is a virtue of Men, who feel they are the Paragon of all Virtues.Men who doesn't even Respect himself Brags in front of others.The feeling that you get after Convincingly Bragging about your special Feature, is a feeling of "Victory'.We become Great by Putting down the opposite person.Men love showing off their valuable Assets, or Possessions. Bragging also, creates a Cold War between The 'Bragger' and the 'Braggee'.It spoils Peace and creates Unseen Borders between Friends or loved one's.
I just want to give all my reader's this message that, the same way we intend to solve our country's internal matters we should solve the Inside of our Family by avoiding such unfelt negativities that surround Us.So,just stop Gossiping and Bragging in a way that hurts the other person.This topic does sound stupid, but i couldn't stop my observation and its Conclusion.We should always aim to live our lives Happily with all our Loved One's.Hope you liked my observation about the General Characteristics of Men and Women.
Wishing you a Happy Life, free from all problems and Negativities.
Signing off for :-)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Save the Tiger
Hello Friends,
We are the youth of this Nation.The responsibilty to save our rapidly exhausting National animal-Tiger population is Bestowed upon us.
Problem Of Poaching In The Country And Illegal Trade In Wildlife Body Parts And Derivatives :
Increased human and cattle population in our country has led to pressure on forest resources which has ultimately caused fragmentation and degradation of wildlife habitats. This, along with the increase in wildlife population in Protected Areas have resulted in wildlife spilling over to other areas. Resultantly, increased man-animal conflicts leading to revenge killings and poaching are discernable. Though India is not a consumer of wildlife body parts, the demand from other countries for these with lucrative profits is a threat to wildlife.
Reasons for man-animal conflict :
Qualitative and quantitative decline of wildlife habitat including loss of prey base are main reasons for such a situation.
Ex-gratia and compensation payment :
Timely payment of ex-gratia for human deaths and compensation for loss of property is crucial to pacify the affected families.
Government of India has raised the compensation against loss of human life to Rs 1 lakh. During the IXth plan compensation to the tune of Rs. 332 lakhs has been provided by Government of India under Project Tiger and Project Elephant for loss of life and property.
Poaching Of Major Wild Animals :
The wildlife products traded illegally from the country are Musk Deer for cosmetics, Bear for skin and bear bile, Elephant Tusk for ivory, Rhino horns for aphrodisiac, Tiger and Leopard skins for fashion products, oriental medicines and food, Snakes and Monitor Lizard skins for leather industry, Birds for pet trade and feather for decoration, Swiftlet nests for soups, Mongoose for bristles, Turtles for meat and soup, and Tibetan Antelope for shawls. It is estimated that quantum of trade in wildlife products is just next to narcotics, valued at nearly 20 billion dollars in the global market, of this more than one third is illegal.
Illicit tranboundary trade in tiger body parts has increased due to lucrative prices offered for tiger bones in particular. As per one estimate (1999) 10 gms. of tiger bones fetch a price of US$ 24.25 at the China-Vietnam border, i.e above Rs. 1 lakhs per kg. In Japan, trade in tiger parts and products was permitted till April, 2000. This has now been banned after persuasion by the global conservation community. Difficulties being faced by developing countries like India in controlling illicit trade in tiger parts and products, have been brought to the notice of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) time and again. The Convention has appealed to the International Community to support India in it's efforts for conserving tigers.
The list of poaching cases of major wild animals detected in various states during the last three years :
Reported cases of Tiger Poaching:
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
14 38 39 35 47 8
Let us do the needful by taking some action in unison in preserving this heritage of India.Let us protest against the poachers.What We can do is atleast voice our opinion and leave the rest to the Government.Hope i provided some valuable piece of information.
Signing off for :-)
Monday, February 8, 2010
God,sounds as such a powerful character controlling our lives,up there some where.I actually don't believe in god as such,but,trust me i always think of God,when i dream of ghosts.U feel as if he's the only savior.but,the truth is its not the power of God,its the Self Confidence God's thought gives you.Its like giving a soldier a brittle Armour by telling him that-"This Armour will defend you against every sword attack".The fervor with which that soldier will fight would be unbelievably Splendid.
So,God in short,is in our Hearts,as our Creator&Protector and not just in forms of all the names Religion has given it.
I also,believe in My Religion,but i see religion as a Decision or Opinion not a Barrier for Division.its just like following one of the Political parties,though not in the True Sense.
[ the above picture displays "Helix Nebula",but often referred as the "Eye of God".]
So,let us Pledge that in the Future and so called (by Me) The sensible generation,would not resolve into Communal riots and create any dividing factors.Believe in yourself a little more than God,that will Help you more.Also,don't pray just for getting your wishes granted,thank God too.
Signing off for :-)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
the ultimate gift
i'm back.since,i'm new to blogging i'm not able to figure out what would you all love to,i thought i'll share my experience reading this beautiful book called "The Ultimate Gift" by Jim Stovall.I've below penned down a small description of that book,which according to me is a "must Read".I'm starting my Blog with the experiences i gained through others's lives and books.I aspire to start writing my views soon.
Red Stevens was a self-made man who gave his family everything -- and ruined them in the process. Now, his estate of oil companies and cattle ranches is divided
among greedy and self-serving relatives as his life's tenure touches its finish line, one member is singled out for something special: Red's great-nephew, Jason.
In a darkened room, isolated from the rest of his family, Jason is confronted by the image of his deceased great uncle on a video monitor...and so begins a 12 month quest for purpose and meaning in an empty life, as Jason attempts to complete the tasks required to receive Red Stevens' greatest bequest...The Ultimate Gift.
Signing off for today. :-)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Intro to Blogs
What is a "blog"?
"Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog is a frequently updated, personal website featuring diary-type commentary and links to articles on other Web sites. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.
Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like personal journals, presenting the author's daily life and thoughts.
Generally speaking (although there are exceptions), blogs tend to have a few things in common:
- A main content area with articles listed chronologically, newest on top. Often, the articles are organized into categories.
- An archive of older articles.
- A way for people to leave comments about the articles.
- A list of links to other related sites, sometimes called a "blogroll".
- One or more "feeds" like RSS, Atom or RDF files.
Hello World
Hello world.
This is my first blog. So,i just decided to introduce myself.
"Hello World" is a purely cliched way that Engineers adopt to entering any form of Digital World.
I'm Varun Nair,who's better called(by myself) as Scarface. I'm an I.T Engineer and completed my Post graduation from IBS Business school in the field of Marketing.
I'll be connecting with all of you soon, sharing my thoughts in my next blog.
Thank you. Signing off for :-)